Thursday, 13 December 2012

Filming Day 2

Today we completed what was arguably the biggest section of our filming, the performance aspects of the video. Our original plan was to film in Drama Room 3 as it is a small venue that can be made to look like a small concert venue in very little time. However we incurred many problems throughout the evening that consequently led to us having to change location at the last minute. Earlier in the day I had acquired the permission from the head of the music department to borrow a drum kit, that belongs to me until the end of the year at least, and move it to Drama 3 after school once all the forms had been dismissed. However upon going up to music to collect the drum kit I was then informed that we wouldn't be able to move it, for reasons that are still unclear to me, and we then had to come with an alternative. Luckily one of the members of the group had an old drum kit stored in his loft and his parents were nice enough to bring it down to the school once we had gone back to his house and packed it up. Consequently this postponed filming by roughly two hours and by the time we got back with the drum kit our original venue that we wanted to film in was no longer available and we had to change the location of our shoot to Boothroyd stage which is a much large stage and as a result harder to film on. If we had been able to borrow the drum kit from the school we would have been done filming and packed up with everyone ready to leave at a time no later than half past five, which I found out was the time the last member of the music department was leaving when I went to set the lighting for the hall. As a result we left the school at twenty to eight.

When filming we had two cameras running at once to ensure that we would have more shots to use when editing the video. One of the cameras was stationary for the majority of the filming process whilst the other one was free hand and was used to get more free flowing interesting shots that may fit faster paced sections of the song. We took multiple takes throughout the evening and after a couple of static takes everyone started to perform more to the camera. When everyone started to get into the performance the freehand camera started to follow individual members around every take, so once everyone had a camera focus on them we decided we would do one more take where the band were fooling around on stage to use all the footage for incidental shots. Overall I feel the filming went well even after the problems that we incurred before the filming process went well, it also helped that everyone was willing to stay late to make the complicated situation easier for everyone.

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